Serum cortisol response during various in vivo tests to identify

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Download scientific diagram | Serum cortisol response during various in vivo tests to identify aberrant hormone receptors. (Panel A) Cortisol response from baseline value to peak value (expressed in percentage increase) during in vivo testing to identify aberrant receptors. A partial response (25-49%) was obtained with vasopressin and a positive response (>50%) was only obtained in response to ACTH stimulation. *ACTH levels did not change during vasopressin test. (Panel B) Serum cortisol response following i.v. bolus administrationofrecombinanthumanLH.(PanelC)Cortisolresponse following250 mcgCosyntropin1-24intravenously. from publication: Exacerbation of Cushing’s syndrome during pregnancy: stimulation of a cortisol-secreting adrenocortical adenoma by ACTH originating from the foeto-placental unit | A 29-year-old G4A3 woman presented at 25 weeks of pregnancy with progressive signs of Cushing’s syndrome (CS), gestational diabetes requiring insulin and hypertension. A 3.4 × 3.3 cm right adrenal adenoma was identified during abdominal ultrasound imaging for nephrolithiasis. | Insulin, Receptors and Molecular Genetics | ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists.

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