Bitcoin mining could be making a comeback! Here is what you need

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Mining cryptocurrencies can be a contentious subject. Whether it be the profitability of mining or the environmental impact, there are always different views. With Bitcoin’s recent price troubles, there were many suggestions that it would enter a “mining death spiral” whereby there would be little profit in mining so many companies would simply shut their mining rigs off. This never came to pass however. More positive notes soon came out that profitability in mining was on the rise. With that being said, here is what you need to know about cryptocurrency mining rigs and their history. Bitmain and Jihan Wu As an individual, it has become extremely difficult to mine Bitcoin and turn a profit. This is due to the The post Bitcoin mining could be making a comeback! Here is what you need to know about cryptocurrency mining rigs appeared first on Coin Rivet.
Mining cryptocurrencies can be a contentious subject. Whether it be the profitability of mining or the environmental impact, there are always different views

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