Proreliure > Relieuse Spirale Coil CC2700

4.6 (688) · € 25.99 · En Stock

Spirales plastique Coil Pas : 4:1 indéformable relier 2 à 270 feuilles

Perforateur Papier GBC MP 2000 Modular

Sewage and other debris tend to accumulate in both sewer lines and in main lines leading to septic tanks. This is a common problem in both old and newer homes as modern water saving toilets do a poor job of pushing waste out of sewage lines. This troublesome organic build-up can quickly result in clogging problems and back-ups. Roebic's K-97 Main Line Cleaner attacks this accumulated material and quickly restores proper flow keeping your lines problem free.

Roebic K-97 Main Line Cleaner - 32 fl oz

Onyx HD4170 Relieuse spirale coil format A4 A3 A2 A1 A0

Endoillumination Probe, including illuminated scleral depressor. (27 gauge / 0.4 mm) - D.O.R.C. Dutch Ophthalmic Research Center

Proreliure > Relieuse Spirale Coil CC2700

Relieuse Perforelieur Spirale Coils Professionnel de bureau

Perforelieur professionnel spirale Coil format A2+ pour relier facilement

Spiraleuse Finishcoil-E Relieuse spirale coil

Spirales plastique Coil Pas : 4:1 indéformable relier 2 à 270 feuilles